Hydrostatic Pressure Test
Esbjerg Tubular Services has a hydrostatic pressure test unit and recording set up, which documents the pressure test cycles electronically from the very start of the test and until the test is fully completed. The test bay is secured to ensure that personnel operating the pressure test equipment is well protected, if any material or equipment failure should occur during the pressure test.
Pressure Testing
Pressure testing may be performed to verify that the material or product has the strength to withstand the calculated stress load produced by the pressure testing. Test pressure is commonly performed by a pressure 1.5 times the operation (design) pressure for the equipment, with a pressure of 1.1 times the design pressure or – as specified by the client – to verify the integrity and tightness of the tested item or assembled products, before the item or product is approved for use. Within the oil & gas and geothermal sector it is a must that the products meet the highest safety and quality standards.
As one of very few companies, ETS holds an accreditation issued by the Danish accreditation authority DANAK, covering both types of hydrostatic pressure testing of OCTG drilling equipment according to API 6A, Specification for Wellhead and Tree Equipment”, Section 11, and including drilling equipment such as, but not limited to:
- Valves
- Reduction pieces
- Main valve assemblies
- Casings, production headers, housings and adapters
- Tees and crosses, cross connectors and top connectors
- Actuators
- Back pressure valves
- Share collections
- Sub-assemblies and hangers
- Piping etc.